things to know before your appointment

(pre care instructions)


You may come with your brows filled in so we can both assess how you like to do them. I request that you don’t get your brows waxed or threaded before the appointment, rather let the hair grow out for as long as possible so we have maximum hair to work with when figuring out your ideal shape (we shape your brows before we tattoo).


It is preferred that you go at least 48 hours without applying any makeup after the procedure. You are allowed to wear makeup past this point as long as it isn’t applied to the tattooed area, and you can take it off without wetting your tattoo.


Do not consume 48 hours before your procedure;

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

Discontinue use 10 days before your procedure;

  • Blood thinners (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Niacin)

  • Fish Oil

These may cause excessive bleeding, increase inflammation and swelling during the procedure. Which may affect your results.


Refrain from applying these products on the brow area for at least 2 weeks prior to your booking;

  • Vitamin A/ Retinol

  • AHA’s such as Glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid

  • Any resurfacing product

These topical products will thin your skin and you won’t receive the pigment well. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C are okay. It is recommended that you lightly exfoliate the brow area 2 days before your appointment to remove any dead skin cells that could cause poor healing.


Cosmetic botox and fillers should be done 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after your appointment.


We will not be able to tattoo over any blemishes, sores or moles in or around the brow area.

If you are on any type of acne medication (Roaccutane) you cannot undergo this treatment. To be considered you have to be off the medication for at least a year.


If you work out, it is recommended to refrain from working out 24 hours prior to your appointment.

It is also highly recommended to refrain from working out at least 7 days AFTER your appointment because the brows will have to be completely dry for 7 days.


Having the procedure done close to or during your menstrual cycle will increase pain sensitivity.

If you would like to take a pain killer, Paracetamol (Panadol) is the best option as it will not thin your blood. If you are prescribed other medicines that thin your blood such as aspirin or ibuprofen please let me know before you make your appointment.

Cases in which you are not a suitable candidate for brow tattooing;

  • If you are pregnant, planning on pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • If you are prone to keloid scarring

  • If you are currently taking any acne medication such as Roaccutane, applying topical Benzoyl peroxide or any skin thinning medications/creams

  • If you are currently on blood thinners

  • If you have inflamed, acne present in the eyebrows

  • If you have diabetes, blood clotting problems, hepatitis (A B or C), HIV



After your appointment you will receive an Aftercare pack which contains an instruction leaflet on how to take care of your healing brows and also an aftercare cream with swabs

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Swelling, itching, scabbing and dry tightness. Because your brows are freshly tattooed you may experience these side effects throughout the healing process, it is normal. Aftercare balm is used for scabbing and tightness. 

Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. In the first 24-48 hours the pigment will deepen in colour significantly. After 3-7 days the swelling dissipates unevenness usually disappears. The touch up appointment is crucial so we can address any issues.

Colour change or colour loss. As the procedure area heals after the scabs have fallen off, the colour will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear. This is normal. The procedure area has to be completely healed and the pigment must resurface before we can address any concerns. The skin healing process takes at least 3-5 weeks. 

Needing a touch up months or years later. A touch up appointment is recommended
4-8 weeks after the initial appointment. Thereafter, maintenance may be needed every 12-18 months to keep the shape symmetrical and the colour refreshed. This all depends on your skin type as some people with oilier skin will need a touch up after 6-8 months.

Failure to follow after care instructions may result in premature fading, pigment loss, patchiness infection or discolouration. 

Here’s a guide on what you can expect throughout the healing process

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